OT Happy Greg Day

Pretty cool the way The Greg has morphed from a mutinous gang of outcasts to the most mesmerizing board of all the webs. Two years ago, a ton of folks were coming here because it was different & they were following the best posters. And now, even though we have a few welcome visitors here, it’s nice to see the same folks posting on the reg. With all the crazy social media out there, my only solace is right here & it’s all I want or need. Thank you @GregMadia
Also I’d like to point out that the most important aspect here is the self regulating that goes on. I’ve been called out on occasion, seen my transgressions, and tried to make it right the best I can. Before I step down, I’d like to thank BRUCE & the HYGS for giving us all what I cannot express in verbiage.
My time is up. I thank you for yours.

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