OT--DOC needz to know if DA FAMBLY will eva be "AZ WUN" again??????


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2014
DOC haz been effekkted by dis reezent "BUNKA SEPARAYSHUN".
DOC don't go to da BOOG BORED to find out how fazt a 17 yeer old iz or wut GUS suppozedly sez afta praktiss.
DOC juzt goes to have a good time.
Da problem iz---a lotta da GOOD TIME GUYS ain't thare NO MOE.
Iz thare a SALEWSHUN DAT WOOD BRANG ERRYBODY BACK TWO GETHER? Or haz da damage been dun and ain't nobody wunna be "FAMBLY" again?
DOC haz been effekkted by dis reezent "BUNKA SEPARAYSHUN".
DOC don't go to da BOOG BORED to find out how fazt a 17 yeer old iz or wut GUS suppozedly sez afta praktiss.
DOC juzt goes to have a good time.
Da problem iz---a lotta da GOOD TIME GUYS ain't thare NO MOE.
Iz thare a SALEWSHUN DAT WOOD BRANG ERRYBODY BACK TWO GETHER? Or haz da damage been dun and ain't nobody wunna be "FAMBLY" again?

Ole Tate is tired of dealing with some of our asses. Don't know a way round that one doc. When daddy tells ya to hit the streets you crash on yore friend's Greg's couch
I thank Gambling Man HIGH JACKED tater's account, went In TWO KAHOOOTS with JAELEIGH and CUNSPYRED to brake the FAMBLY UHPART!!!!!

It's the only LOJECUHL EGGSPLUNASHUN I can cum up with!!!

Hope all iz well SIZTA!!!
Haz yore boyfriend left foe WIZZKONZIN YET???
Datz funnay az hayul. I'm mizzin stuff like dat on DA BUNKA!!!!
Wunda why TATE wood wunna git ridda da FUNNAY FELLAZ?

Doc you ask a hard question because it involves speculation into his thought process.

I can give it a shot if you want.

I take the DMs I received which amounted to:
Fillup Marschell is just on the bunker to raise hell and is a trouble maker.

and take the Barnacle swimming amongst sharks comment and conclude that:
There are undesirables in this clique and the rest of us (me) are just conduits for their bad behavior cause we are to dumb to know we are being used or we are just seeking their approval.

In an attempt to limit the reach of the undesirables the facilitators must go too.

You see doc he is done overthinking this dumb crap. This is no conspiracy. This is just peeps who like to have fun, rib each other, and blow off steam. We get a little out of hand at times but can get back in line. We are/were also customers and he let his employee run rough shod over a few and gave that employee a pat on the back. That rubs some the wrong way. It is just a messed up situation Doc. We just want to tronz.
Moving trucks will be here 10/9. He been up there a lot getting his new hizzy set up.
Looks like I'm gonna have to find somebody else to show my TITTAAAYZ and AZZ to in the near future!
Doc you ask a hard question because it involves speculation into his thought process.

I can give it a shot if you want.

I take the DMs I received which amounted to:
Fillup Marschell is just on the bunker to raise hell and is a trouble maker.

and take the Barnacle swimming amongst sharks comment and conclude that:
There are undesirables in this clique and the rest of us (me) are just conduits for their bad behavior cause we are to dumb to know we are being used or we are just seeking their approval.

In an attempt to limit the reach of the undesirables the facilitators must go too.

You see doc he is done overthinking this dumb crap. This is no conspiracy. This is just peeps who like to have fun, rib each other, and blow off steam. We get a little out of hand at times but can get back in line. We are/were also customers and he let his employee run rough shod over a few and gave that employee a pat on the back. That rubs some the wrong way. It is just a messed up situation Doc. We just want to tronz.
Doc you ask a hard question because it involves speculation into his thought process.

I can give it a shot if you want.

I take the DMs I received which amounted to:
Fillup Marschell is just on the bunker to raise hell and is a trouble maker.

and take the Barnacle swimming amongst sharks comment and conclude that:
There are undesirables in this clique and the rest of us (me) are just conduits for their bad behavior cause we are to dumb to know we are being used or we are just seeking their approval.

In an attempt to limit the reach of the undesirables the facilitators must go too.

You see doc he is done overthinking this dumb crap. This is no conspiracy. This is just peeps who like to have fun, rib each other, and blow off steam. We get a little out of hand at times but can get back in line. We are/were also customers and he let his employee run rough shod over a few and gave that employee a pat on the back. That rubs some the wrong way. It is just a messed up situation Doc. We just want to tronz.
You see doc he is done overthinking this dumb crap. This is no conspiracy. This is just peeps who like to have fun, rib each other, and blow off steam. We get a little out of hand at times but can get back in line. We are/were also customers and he let his employee run rough shod over a few and gave that employee a pat on the back. That rubs some the wrong way. It is just a messed up situation Doc. We just want to tronz.

This is my only real issue with Jay and this whole situation. It is actually why I switched my subscription from yearly to monthly a long time back. We are not talking about any big money here. It's like what you might spend eating at a fast food restaurant once a month. But if you went to a fast food restaurant and the manager acted like a dick to customers, even if you were not one of the customers involved, you might decide not to spend your paltry money there even if you had a long history of hanging out and drinking coffee and shooting the breeze with some of the regulars. We all FAMBLY and I ain't mad at nobody, but I am curious how this will play out.

Some folks may not have been around long enough to recall, but Mark Murphy had some of these issues when he took over in the bunker. He just didn't understand the dynamics involved. The bunker is not a regular sports forum. It really never has been. A mod throwing weight around just does not go over well with the types of characters who like the bunker. I thought Jay understood that and had done a pretty good job of wrangling a bunch of e-outlaws, but maybe he just got tired of that and wants his board to be like the others. Problem with that is a bunch of his customers have no interest in that product. If we did, we'd probably have long ago already been on one of the other sites.
DOC haz been effekkted by dis reezent "BUNKA SEPARAYSHUN".
DOC don't go to da BOOG BORED to find out how fazt a 17 yeer old iz or wut GUS suppozedly sez afta praktiss.
DOC juzt goes to have a good time.
Da problem iz---a lotta da GOOD TIME GUYS ain't thare NO MOE.
Iz thare a SALEWSHUN DAT WOOD BRANG ERRYBODY BACK TWO GETHER? Or haz da damage been dun and ain't nobody wunna be "FAMBLY" again?

Doc hate to wreck yo dreamz, but we iz where we iz, and we are happy to be here. Why would we go back to all that BS when we got the greatest MOD in the rivals network right here.
Mark Murphy also had similar issues on the ITAT Scout site... he moderated the pay board strictly but the free boards were pretty wide open - and the balance was good... but when a couple of the deputized mods got their feelings hurt and a small but vocal group of posters from the free boards were permabanned, those boards withered and died in less than 6 months

a couple of small groups did their own things - some created chat rooms, some created primitive message boards, but eventually they settled on other sites... that's how I ended up back here eventually... by that time the main board was taking off and I've been here since

it wasn't immediate - but Mark definitely hurt his bottom line because he didn't understand the true appeal... people not even involved eventually left because they weren't enjoying the boards as much... these are guys who rarely posted - and never caused any trouble at all... but they left because there's not a single thing any mod on any Auburn site can do to differentiate themselves... and they either haven't realized - or can't bring themselves to admit it - that their "coverage" isn't what makes one site different from the next
Mark Murphy also had similar issues on the ITAT Scout site... he moderated the pay board strictly but the free boards were pretty wide open - and the balance was good... but when a couple of the deputized mods got their feelings hurt and a small but vocal group of posters from the free boards were permabanned, those boards withered and died in less than 6 months

a couple of small groups did their own things - some created chat rooms, some created primitive message boards, but eventually they settled on other sites... that's how I ended up back here eventually... by that time the main board was taking off and I've been here since

it wasn't immediate - but Mark definitely hurt his bottom line because he didn't understand the true appeal... people not even involved eventually left because they weren't enjoying the boards as much... these are guys who rarely posted - and never caused any trouble at all... but they left because there's not a single thing any mod on any Auburn site can do to differentiate themselves... and they either haven't realized - or can't bring themselves to admit it - that their "coverage" isn't what makes one site different from the next
I think Jay gets it and knows that the board is what people really subscribe for. It's why he was desperate to have everyone back and started shutting down boards. He just believed that if he banned people, then eventually they'd come back with their tails between their legs and start posting again bc they had nowhere else to go, and that didn't happen.
I think Jay gets it and knows that the board is what people really subscribe for. It's why he was desperate to have everyone back and started shutting down boards. He just believed that if he banned people, then eventually they'd come back with their tails between their legs and start posting again bc they had nowhere else to go, and that didn't happen.

perhaps... I think all the times he's said something along the lines of "subscribers making it the best Auburn blah blah blah" is simple lip service he's saying because he thinks that's what he's supposed to say... he's never been very convincing to me, but I could easily be wrong... I'm not on rivals for him - so it's never been a make or break thing for me until now...

I think he has a complete misunderstanding for why people are upset - and also has no desire to learn the truth because he's already determined that he's right... that falls in line with my general perception of him and how he sees his site, and his board, and his place in all of this...
perhaps... I think all the times he's said something along the lines of "subscribers making it the best Auburn blah blah blah" is simple lip service he's saying because he thinks that's what he's supposed to say... he's never been very convincing to me, but I could easily be wrong... I'm not on rivals for him - so it's never been a make or break thing for me until now...

I think he has a complete misunderstanding for why people are upset - and also has no desire to learn the truth because he's already determined that he's right... that falls in line with my general perception of him and how he sees his site, and his board, and his place in all of this...
I think he understands. I just hes both too prideful and too big of a beta to admit he did anything wrong
perhaps... I think all the times he's said something along the lines of "subscribers making it the best Auburn blah blah blah" is simple lip service he's saying because he thinks that's what he's supposed to say... he's never been very convincing to me, but I could easily be wrong... I'm not on rivals for him - so it's never been a make or break thing for me until now...

I think he has a complete misunderstanding for why people are upset - and also has no desire to learn the truth because he's already determined that he's right... that falls in line with my general perception of him and how he sees his site, and his board, and his place in all of this...
Could not agree with you more on this... even as one of the posters that isn't necessarily in Tater's doghouse (at the moment) I can say that his arrogance and the way that he interacts with his customers is extremely off-putting (at least to me). Me and him have had our spats for sure... I am not a fan. He knows that. But it is not for the reasons that he thinks. It is all very similar to this situation. I cannot stand when someone thinks that their sh!t doesn't stink or that they are above reproach. That is his mentality 90% of the time, and he takes personal offense if you call him on his bullsh!t... then throws his weight around *pun kinda intended*. Not a good look.

I still have access over there, and will continue posting on both forums. But I have thoroughly enjoyed the banter and tronz that this board offers.
perhaps... I think all the times he's said something along the lines of "subscribers making it the best Auburn blah blah blah" is simple lip service he's saying because he thinks that's what he's supposed to say... he's never been very convincing to me, but I could easily be wrong... I'm not on rivals for him - so it's never been a make or break thing for me until now...

I think he has a complete misunderstanding for why people are upset - and also has no desire to learn the truth because he's already determined that he's right... that falls in line with my general perception of him and how he sees his site, and his board, and his place in all of this...

Could not agree with you more on this... even as one of the posters that isn't necessarily in Tater's doghouse (at the moment) I can say that his arrogance and the way that he interacts with his customers is extremely off-putting (at least to me). Me and him have had our spats for sure... I am not a fan. He knows that. But it is not for the reasons that he thinks. It is all very similar to this situation. I cannot stand when someone thinks that their sh!t doesn't stink or that they are above reproach. That is his mentality 90% of the time, and he takes personal offense if you call him on his bullsh!t.

I still have access over there, and will continue posting on both forums. But I have thoroughly enjoyed the banter and tronz that this board offers.
My God. Preach brAUthers
I think Jay gets it and knows that the board is what people really subscribe for. It's why he was desperate to have everyone back and started shutting down boards. He just believed that if he banned people, then eventually they'd come back with their tails between their legs and start posting again bc they had nowhere else to go, and that didn't happen.
I thank da ishuie dat I dun got iz dat thare iz a TUN OF PEEEPEL dat get on deeez boreds to see sum FUNNAY THANGZ.
I meen, if yore an Auburn fan, you reeeelize dat we get abzalootly NO INSIDE INFO REEELY BEEEEKUZ OF GUS. I ain't knockin any MOD or nobody. GUS haz juzt made it so dat you HAVE TO WATCH DA GAMES to figyour out about anythang related to da teeeem.
Da problem iz occurring beekuzz all da funnay folkz is LEEEEVIN DA BUNKA!!!
perhaps... I think all the times he's said something along the lines of "subscribers making it the best Auburn blah blah blah" is simple lip service he's saying because he thinks that's what he's supposed to say... he's never been very convincing to me, but I could easily be wrong... I'm not on rivals for him - so it's never been a make or break thing for me until now...

I think he has a complete misunderstanding for why people are upset - and also has no desire to learn the truth because he's already determined that he's right... that falls in line with my general perception of him and how he sees his site, and his board, and his place in all of this...

Could not agree with you more on this... even as one of the posters that isn't necessarily in Tater's doghouse (at the moment) I can say that his arrogance and the way that he interacts with his customers is extremely off-putting (at least to me). Me and him have had our spats for sure... I am not a fan. He knows that. But it is not for the reasons that he thinks. It is all very similar to this situation. I cannot stand when someone thinks that their sh!t doesn't stink or that they are above reproach. That is his mentality 90% of the time, and he takes personal offense if you call him on his bullsh!t... then throws his weight around *pun kinda intended*. Not a good look.

I still have access over there, and will continue posting on both forums. But I have thoroughly enjoyed the banter and tronz that this board offers.
I'm with you fellers.
I thank da ishuie dat I dun got iz dat thare iz a TUN OF PEEEPEL dat get on deeez boreds to see sum FUNNAY THANGZ.
I meen, if yore an Auburn fan, you reeeelize dat we get abzalootly NO INSIDE INFO REEELY BEEEEKUZ OF GUS. I ain't knockin any MOD or nobody. GUS haz juzt made it so dat you HAVE TO WATCH DA GAMES to figyour out about anythang related to da teeeem.
Da problem iz occurring beekuzz all da funnay folkz is LEEEEVIN DA BUNKA!!!

Doc the issue relating to inside info is this. Some inside info is avaliable, but it comes from sources outside of the Awbren world. Who knows if it is all legit info, or in cases where it is recruiting in nature "subject to change". Sometimes that info through the eyes of the non-O&B goggles is really more accurate than what you see from those with a vested interest. 9 out of 10 times when that info is brought to tbb, it is immediately discounted, or flushed down the SHITTA because it is not what the boogs want to hear, or it must be false because it does not come from a "trusted insider". Therefore, those bringing that info must just be negative nancies, right? Everyone has a right to their opinions, but at least allow for sensible e-convo before discounting the relevancy of the topic.
Doc the issue relating to inside info is this. Some inside info is avaliable, but it comes from sources outside of the Awbren world. Who knows if it is all legit info, or in cases where it is recruiting in nature "subject to change". Sometimes that info through the eyes of the non-O&B goggles is really more accurate than what you see from those with a vested interest. 9 out of 10 times when that info is brought to tbb, it is immediately discounted, or flushed down the SHITTA because it is not what the boogs want to hear, or it must be false because it does not come from a "trusted insider". Therefore, those bringing that info must just be negative nancies, right? Everyone has a right to their opinions, but at least allow for sensible e-convo before discounting the relevancy of the topic.
To add to that... I am privy to certain information based on my job at the university, and based on family connections to the program (not always a ton, but definitely more than none) yet a few times that I have DM'd tater-tot with some information or to bounce what I'd heard off of him (well before it hits the board), he has sh!t all over me on his responses and for all intents and purposes said I wasn't being truthful or some ish along those lines... but lo and behold, a few hours later he will start a thread or do an op-ed piece with the exact same info he just sh!t on. It is beyond petty.

I get that he probably wants to vet the info... but why try and delittle someone that was trying to pass along info, or confirm that info is correct? He just is addicted to the adulation he receives from the goobs on tbb, and wants to be the all knowing mod that gets the scoop... which is rare (unless we're talking softball). Sad.
To add to that... I am privy to certain information based on my job at the university, and based on family connections to the program (not always a ton, but definitely more than none) yet a few times that I have DM'd tater-tot with some information or to bounce what I'd heard off of him (well before it hits the board), he has sh!t all over me on his responses and for all intents and purposes said I wasn't being truthful or some ish along those lines... but lo and behold, a few hours later he will start a thread or do an op-ed piece with the exact same info he just sh!t on. It is beyond petty. He just is addicted to the adulation he receives from the goobs on tbb.
You can always post the screen shots here
You can always post the screen shots here
On mobile now... but will post most recent once back at the office. It was regarding the Pettway situation and Jamel Dean getting banged up in the 2nd to last scrimmage.

Completely denied that either were a thing... and then proceeded to note a possible Dean lower body injury, and rumblings of a Pettway suspension both within the next few hours.
To add to that... I am privy to certain information based on my job at the university, and based on family connections to the program (not always a ton, but definitely more than none) yet a few times that I have DM'd tater-tot with some information or to bounce what I'd heard off of him (well before it hits the board), he has sh!t all over me on his responses and for all intents and purposes said I wasn't being truthful or some ish along those lines... but lo and behold, a few hours later he will start a thread or do an op-ed piece with the exact same info he just sh!t on. It is beyond petty.

I get that he probably wants to vet the info... but why try and delittle someone that was trying to pass along info, or confirm that info is correct? He just is addicted to the adulation he receives from the goobs on tbb, and wants to be the all knowing mod that gets the scoop... which is rare (unless we're talking softball). Sad.

Word. The joy now is that we can all have these discussions here. Just another reason that I won't be going back over there anytime soon, if ever.
To add to that... I am privy to certain information based on my job at the university, and based on family connections to the program (not always a ton, but definitely more than none) yet a few times that I have DM'd tater-tot with some information or to bounce what I'd heard off of him (well before it hits the board), he has sh!t all over me on his responses and for all intents and purposes said I wasn't being truthful or some ish along those lines... but lo and behold, a few hours later he will start a thread or do an op-ed piece with the exact same info he just sh!t on. It is beyond petty.

I get that he probably wants to vet the info... but why try and delittle someone that was trying to pass along info, or confirm that info is correct? He just is addicted to the adulation he receives from the goobs on tbb, and wants to be the all knowing mod that gets the scoop... which is rare (unless we're talking softball). Sad.

Now that is total egotistical bull sh*t on his part right there.
Quit running it by him. Just post it and let him look like the homer he is.
On mobile now... but will post most recent once back at the office. It was regarding the Pettway situation and Jamel Dean getting banged up in the 2nd to last scrimmage.

Completely denied that either were a thing... and then proceeded to note a possible Dean lower body injury, and rumblings of a Pettway suspension both within the next few hours.
lol. He claimed some of us were running off insiders, but it's actually him that's pissing them off.

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