welcome to two new members

No. I gave it to you. You know this. Congrats on being the new cool guy bitch. It's becoming.
It's interesting how you manage to justify both white knighting @Jay G. Tate and his business and conspiring to steal from him at the same time. Would you be willing to be interviewed for an exclusive GREG premium content series that @Denim Vest has been working on?
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Almost like a vampire deal, but this is the correct answer.
Confession time. I used to drink a LOT of vodka up until 2009. I mean a LOT. I'd wake up mad the next morning & not even know why until I logged on to see what I had posted the night before. I decided to get help, and by that my Dad wanted me to get some counseling. Went to see a lady & she laid out what all of those dry out places were like. All I needed was to HEAR that & I've been good ever since. I still drink a few beers & a little red wine, but I've had two drinks of hard liquor since. Those two drinks were for celebration of something special & my wife actually gave me "permission" to have them.
That's my story & I'm not very proud of it, but my family is so much happier now, & so am I.
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Don't know if anybody cares, but I just saw Emmitt Smith's wife on TV and I WOOD for sure.
I’ll help you out here....

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