WELL, I've never gotten a "farewell text" before...

So Smitty came through for YOU??

PM me please. I'm looking at you @AuburnSmith .....:D
Smitty is coming to the game. You gonna have to go to a different well....

I thought you didn't HAVE tickets, but yore giving them away now?
Why did you start a thread begging for them??
WTF are you even talking about? You are a psychopath. Was gonna make nice. Tell yore new e buddies that they have some goodies coming....
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You are a dumb****. I voted for DV you stupid ****er. Would have been a tie. If you want to play this game I'll be happy to.
Please play the game or not. Just stop with the empty threats. I'm lost on what went down and don't really care. Just post whatever you claim to have or stop taking about it.
Bunch of grown men acting like middle school girls imo.
Attaboy. You want to see how much he hates DV or how he’s gonna kick GP’s ass? There too many to choose from. I’ll let you pick it Slick. Yore boy ain’t who you think he is./

Add that weirdo Hooter to the list. That old fvck wanted to fight me to at the tailgate too. Hooter was probably doped up on his meds or something. As far as Solly, yeah, he shared his dislike with me on the message board, so if he said something on a DM then I would believe it.It's cool though, because I understand why someone would not like me. I'm an a$$hole and I don't go around kissing ass. Solly thought I hacked his AUFAMILY account, which I have to say was some funny shit at the time. But yeah, I think it's hilarious that the tailgate olds believe they can kick anyone's ass. You never know what type of mfer you are fvcking with when you make those silly invites. It's like you guys are a bunch of modern day uncle Rico's that sit around and stroke each others ego. Effing hilarious!
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