Midseason Evaluation Thread


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2016
The HYGs are a disanointing 6-6 and 0-4 heading inot the last 3/4ths of the sec schedule. Obviously, we'd be undefeated or maybe with just one blemish to the Zags if the no good, rotten NCAA hadn't robbed us and Sharife of 11 highlight reel games. But so it goes and onward and upard. But drum roll please for the midseason awards. Feel Free to disagree, argue, mock, and do all sorts of shit, but his is how I see it

Most Improved Player: No question. Sweet Allen Flanny. So much new confidence. So much new muscular definition. Ball handling, Finishing through contact, and boy oh boy the three ball is falling. We all expected improvement but my god, the kid has turned himself into a possible first round draft pick. And dare I say, oh I might say it, he's a better overall player than Okoro was last season. Just not hte athletic freak.

Most Improved Honorable Mention: I guess Jay Magic. Surprisingly despite his janky ass motion, he's hitting a pretty high clip from 3 and he's proved to be what we thought he could be offensivley. Not the defensive or rebounding force that we'd hoped. But still a better offseason improvement than the other rising sophomores.

Biggest Disappointment - Turbo Jones. Had high hopes that this kid would take the next step and be a real difference maker. But boy oh boy, did the light just never come on and now he's gone. Bookos of athletic ability and still has the potential to become really good player but just won't be in boogville

Disappointment Honorable Mention - Stretch Akingbola. Maybe an unpopular pick here, but I thought this young man would be a ball swatting defensive force and he's finding himself spending more and more time on the bench. Maybe that speaks to how good Dylan Cardwell has been, but I thought a full year in program sitting behind Mac and Austin would've left Stretch ready to go. But guess not Hasn't really flashed anything this season, but I still have hope he'll be a monster before his time is up

New Comer of the Season - Gotta be Boogie P Justin Powell. But honestly, this freshman class is just ridiculous. But Powell stepped up huge and has been a revelation despite maybe hitting a bit of a freshman slump before getting injured. What a stud though. Everyone knew he could shoot. but his ball handing and passing has been eye opening. Obviously Sharife would've won this award if he'd played the whole season so far but gotta give it to JP

New Comer Honorable Mention - JT Thor. Stud stud stud stud stud. If we weren't so desperate for a PG in sharife's absence, then this kid would've been number 1. But so it goes when you're team is just blessed with so much young talent. What a freak though that's flashed more nba talent than anyone else and just keeps getting better. Hopefully he sticks around, grows into his frame more, and balls the fugg out next season like we know he can.

Most likely to transfer out after the season - guessing Javon Franklin. Maybe Jamaal. Hope it's not Chris Moore because I really like his game
Nice. Only thing I might have diff is Jamal for HM most improved. Left the child for dead and useless after last season he’s been pretty decent. Not nearly as good as J Will but I did expect JW to be a stud this year.

Better than expected:


Meets expectations:
J Will


HYG of the highest order:
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Nice. Only thing I might have diff is Jamal for HM most improved. Left the child for dead and useless after last season he’s been pretty decent. Not nearly as good as J Will but I did expect JW to be a stud this year.

Better than expected:


Meets expectations:
J Will


HYG of the highest order:
yeah. jamaal definitely meets the bill for being most improved too. Wish he'd develop just a modicum of ball handling ablility but I'll take his improved consistency nad off ball movement. Last season he basically just stoop in the corner all game
Forgot Devan gotta put him in the disappointing bucket so far. Game hasn’t improved beyond rarely getting hot from 3 and rim running like a maniac. D not great. Maybe Sharife can get him going.
True, I didn't have sky high expectations for him though to be honest. He always seemed like a bit of fools' gold. But yeah, there really isn't one think that he's markedly better at this season than what he was last year. Unless someone can tell me something basketball specific and nerdy. He's actaully almost aveaging double the minutes and his production is almst the same as last year
True, I didn't have sky high expectations for him though to be honest. He always seemed like a bit of fools' gold. But yeah, there really isn't one think that he's markedly better at this season than what he was last year. Unless someone can tell me something basketball specific and nerdy. He's actaully almost aveaging double the minutes and his production is almst the same as last year
Yeah wish I could say D or something but he gives me Danjel (gasp) vibes seemingly having no idea where he’s supposed to be. He does collect the occasional board or highlight block. I still hold out hope he can be a Malik type role player without the world class charisma.
Yeah wish I could say D or something but he gives me Danjel (gasp) vibes seemingly having no idea where he’s supposed to be. He does collect the occasional board or highlight block. I still hold out hope he can be a Malik type role player without the world class charisma.
Yeah wish I could say D or something but he gives me Danjel (gasp) vibes seemingly having no idea where he’s supposed to be. He does collect the occasional board or highlight block. I still hold out hope he can be a Malik type role player without the world class charisma.
Hopefully, like Danjel, he will one day find his groove in the middle of a Final Four run.
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