ok gang - just wanna go ahead and get out in front of this one
Sharife is still the most desirable HYG in the history of the known world... CAM is the only Auburn related croot I’ve ever lusted after more, and if I’m being honest there’s probably a tad of revisionist history there
anyhoo... Boston has been a close 2nd for months... Auburn has never signed a player like him - just an unstoppable 6’6”+ scoring machine
but... it both saddens and excites me to say he’s been supplanted by Greg Brown... originally listed as a SF but growing nicely into the prototypical BRUCE 4... still has those wing skills, but attacks the basket with such ferocity that he’s the perfect modern frontcourt player... we all know the 4 is the showcase spot when the BRUCE train is running at peak power... it’s why Precious Chuma was so key for our run and why, for more than a year all of us here have been saying we’ll go as far as he can take us and just waited patiently for him to realize it too
adding either as a 2nd piece to Sharife will be HYG overload... but, gun to my head, give me Brown... he’s the 2nd most H of all the YG’s in the galaxy and I just want to get that on record early