Knotted Shorts feelings are hurt real bad I guess.

I saw them mention the bant folks and the "sent instructions" folks posting here, but no mention of us posters who never got bant or instructions that came here by choice. Even E5 - Matt - Jeremye and others. But mentioning those posters doesn't fit the narrative.

I am responsible. I invited him to this message board utopia and he announces it to the entire Bunker which now puts us in jeopardy. I apologize, I thought Shorts was a great Bunker character... I don't know why he is so rustled. I now wonder if my status in the Meadow Brook militia is now in jeopardy as well. Because I post here he may refuse to protect my home should the zombie apocalypse happen.


I am responsible. I invited him to this message board utopia and he announces it to the entire Bunker which now puts us in jeopardy. I apologize, I thought Shorts was a great Bunker character... I don't know why he is so rustled. I now wonder if my status in the Meadow Brook militia is now in jeopardy as well. Because I post here he may refuse to protect my home should the zombie apocalypse happen.



He is onthe banned2chile board. He knew we were here. I hope he chooses to stay and have fun.
I am responsible. I invited him to this message board utopia and he announces it to the entire Bunker which now puts us in jeopardy. I apologize, I thought Shorts was a great Bunker character... I don't know why he is so rustled. I now wonder if my status in the Meadow Brook militia is now in jeopardy as well. Because I post here he may refuse to protect my home should the zombie apocalypse happen.



You stabbed me in the e-back once.

Clearly you cannot be trusted.

I'm out, guys.
I remember this well. He outed you as Ashley Schaeffer not long after Taterhead banned your first captain account.

Do not fall into KS's trap of divide and conquer. Now, more than ever, we must stick together. We are under attack. Our bickering among each other is nothing compared to the enemy in the north. We must be unified.
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I don't understand the love fest.

I get that he is not everyone's cup of tea just as you are not. I want everyone to stay and have fun and ignore each other if they can't tronz without baggage. That is the point I was trying to make. No reason he should cease posting if likes the people here. If you said I was a soft pvssy, I'd prob just say I am what I eat and move on. It is just pixels on a screen. Don't know why any of us take each other too seriously but we do. I got my jimmies jangled by Tate. I admit it. It happens. If he chose to engage me in a conversation, I would converse and move on. Not gonna let it keep me down. Make sense?
Kick him from our Chile board.

Kind of feel like it would be a hollow gesture. We are not hard to find. The greg board is awesome and I hope we can stay but I doubt it. Eventually, we will need a new venue as @Slippin Jimmy keeps telling us. At that point whoever is leading the way can make that decision. If everyone wants me to, I will. Just think that someone would spread the word anyway.
I get that he is not everyone's cup of tea just as you are not. I want everyone to stay and have fun and ignore each other if they can't tronz without baggage. That is the point I was trying to make. No reason he should cease posting if likes the people here. If you said I was a soft pvssy, I'd prob just say I am what I eat and move on. It is just pixels on a screen. Don't know why any of us take each other too seriously but we do. I got my jimmies jangled by Tate. I admit it. It happens. If he chose to engage me in a conversation, I would converse and move on. Not gonna let it keep me down. Make sense?

Yes, it makes sense.

He wears his epersona on his sleeve and that's not a recipe for success(as you can see what happened last night). I "assumed" these boards were to get away from certain epersona's. Hell, maybe it was to get away from someone with my style.
Yes, it makes sense.

He wears his epersona on his sleeve and that's not a recipe for success(as you can see what happened last night). I "assumed" these boards were to get away from certain epersona's. Hell, maybe it was to get away from someone with my style.

Meh you said you were ex military I think. Once I heard that, I understood your personality just fine. Lot's of respect to you guys.
Kind of feel like it would be a hollow gesture. We are not hard to find. The greg board is awesome and I hope we can stay but I doubt it. Eventually, we will need a new venue as @Slippin Jimmy keeps telling us. At that point whoever is leading the way can make that decision. If everyone wants me to, I will. Just think that someone would spread the word anyway.
Oh yeah I understand bruh, I just don't like him now. ;)
@Knotted Shorts is a kind and good man in my book. I mean, the guy read a post I made saying how much I love Community coffee but can't buy it here and next thing I know he's asking for my address and which coffee I like and he took the time and spent the $$$ to mail me 3 lbs of it. Not to mention he welcomed me into the boog bored with open arms.
There's not many in this world that would be so kind and considerate to someone who is basically a complete stranger.

I'm not sure what was up with the posting about this bored over on the Boog bored but honestly I don't care. It obviously was something he felt he needed to do and made him feel better, and it may have even brought some e-personas over this way that will keep things lively here. So who am I to judge what somebody else considered necessary to do?

I'm one of the oldest people here and can offer the sage advice to all that the only person that can ever make you upset, angry, annoyed, frustrated, disappointed, etc., is You. How I let somebody else's words or actions make me feel is completely on me and nobody else, and the older I get the more I work on keeping that in mind - especially on the Interwebs. In that regard, everyone should just let it go and continue to enjoy the banter that takes place here and enjoy the parts of each other's personalities that are put on display - finding joy in what parts bring you happiness and ignoring the parts that might make you shake your head and think WTF.

Having said that, I like both boreds and the people on both boreds and will continue to participate in both as long as I'm welcomed. I will continue to mourn the CF that Boogville pigskin ball has become under Gus and will revel in the dominance of being a part of the Dukes and the fine display of grit they bring to the grid iron each week.

Kerryon, Duke brothers and sisters.

TL;DR: Shorts is an overall good guy so don't care about his boog board thread if it made him feel better. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. I love Erry'body but Gus and how he's killed Boogville football.

Still TL;DR: GFY