++++ Missouri vs Boogs ++++

We need Coop to find a way to play 15 of the last 17 or we’re gonna get beat I’m afraid. Unbelievable how much difference there is without him. Only the 6th game I’ve said that.
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I hereby state my distaste for the last four minutes of the first half and the first four of the second half. They are the smellly crotch of boog hoops, and I respectfully request their demise.
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This ridiculous lol. Jaylin get his arm ripped off. Tilmon jumping on top of people. madness.

it’s not even a complaint that they’re not calling it both ways aside from the push off Pinson got away with that put Sharife on the bench with 3 30 seconds earlier

it’s that you can murder someone under the basket and there’s no call - and we’ve only got 2 guys who that benefits while it appears they’ve got about 9

Stretch needs to play more... he’s got 4 rebounds and 4 blocks in 6 minutes... and 0 fouls

yet both starting point guards have 3 each
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Bruce getting that whistle in order and Mizzou could honestly have another half dozen by now. Shamelessly trying to attack Sharife and picking up obvious charges lol.
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Love how butt ESPN’s production has been the last two games. I have no idea what just happened bc they are showing replays
They keep inserting this giant stat graphic on the left hand side of the screen and it covers up the basket. It’s stupid

all they’re missing is showing split screen Coach Cam for 3 minute stretches

how are they so bad at this is so many different ways?