IDK if anyone cares, but apparently a post from last year post season was bumpt on tbb and I had a good chuckle reading it. It was started by bigdanteague and here are some gems from just the first page.

I've got a friend in Bham who is one of those watch every game in the state tournament kind of guys. He watched Mae Jemison and John Petty (he's seen Petty play several times). Petty had 36 points, 10 rebounds and 7 assists. According to my buddy Petty is the best HS player he's seen from the state since Ronald Steele. Supposedly Sexton is better. Herb Jones can crest offense as well. Point is things may get worse for Bruce, at least in relation to the turds. Bruce hasn't shown that he can get AAU type talent to play as a team. Avery's teams play defense and rebound but until Petty and Sexton get there they have had little offensive firepower. They will likely finish 11-7 this year with very little ability to score.

We will finish 7-11 with a team that, imo, has 11-7 type talent. I'm not saying fire Bruce, he is our best hope. But his ability to coach AAU type talent has sorely lacked this year. That has to change for things to get better.

Both Auburn and Bama should finish in the top 5 next year in the SEC, IMO.

But their scoring is going to be relied upon by Key and the freshman, which could cause some growing pains.

But when I think of the shape of the program that Grant left Johnson (both players and signees/commitments), compared to what Barbee left Pearl, it makes me despise Barbee even more.

Also, so OP's buddy thinks Petty is the best player from the state since Steele? He wasn't the best player in the state this year until Wiley left the state. And that doesn't include D Cousins, Bledso, etc from years past.

If Bruce continues to run the program the way he is AU may never finish top 5 under him.
Things could get interesting this offseason.

At the start of SEC play, I would have believed you. After the Florida loss though, we're not a top 5 SEC basketball team. UK, UF, UT, Vandy are all playing better (not necessarily more talented) than us and will not lose much. A&M and bammer will gain a lot of talent next year. I see us being a 7 or 8 team next season, if we can't learn to play better defensively.

I hope bammer finishes 15th in the SEC for the rest of forever.

Here y'all go again setting yourselves up

A lot of could/should ITT. Unfortunately, I now have the same mindset with AU bball as I do with Gus and Co. in that i'm not going to believe it until I see it.

This team had the "talent" to finish top half of the SEC and yet we only improved one spot over last year's debacle in the SEC standings.

I'm sorry all I can say is this... there are some in our program that most of the bunker would agree are pretty important and they are not happy with how BP is choosing to run the program.

No I think many laugh and mock our basketball program because we suck and we paid big money to bring in a cheater to fix it, and guess what we still suck!

And maybe you are into moral victories and small wins, but I could give 3 shats about being 18-12 and 7-11 and getting a nice participation trophy while the likes of...check this...USCe are leaving our arse'es in the dust.
Honest question. Has AU ever hired an as accomplished coach in his prime as Bruce? And I’m talking about in any of the big 3 sports.

I’m guessing no? It’s amazing how some AU fans were already at knives with him. It’s such a shitty fan base
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Egads. Kinda wish I could see what Denim had to say on the topic.
I gotchu my, my mayne!

Here ya go...

Meh. He's not as good as MUSTAPHA. Sexton is a stud but they've still got a core group of prison yard ballers. Actually, pretty sure they lose a few pieces. Key is good. They at least have a program that has a little bit of pride unlike AUBURN so wouldn't surprise me if they "buy in" a little quicker.

If that transfer were Heron or Harper or Wiley, that would be a significant blow. I know many here have already anointed Davion Mitchell as the savior at PG, but Harper has been pretty good at times this year and should only get better. Plus,

Yeah no one is leaving that BRUCE doesn't want gone. MUSTAPHA and AUSTIN are the centerpiece of the team next year. Dunans leaving is a plus. I don't know about Lang stay/go don't really care. Harper is a baller he's gonna play a lot regardless of how studly DAVION is.

And to the point that people are going to make excuses next year it's tourney or bust period. Should be a sweet 16 contender iyam.

I don't think they will leave (especially not Wiley), but there definitely is a disconnect between Pearl and Heron right now. Agree on Dunans. Too much inconsistency from him as a senior. I'd prefer that Lang stay. He's definitely a role player but, as last night showed, one that can find a spot and be very effective. And I agree with tourney or bust next year. I'm willing to give the pass this year, even though it's a disappointment, but no passes next year. Bruce needs to address the weaknesses of this team and his staff in the offseason and be ready to significantly improve those things or the pressure around Auburn will ratchet up immensely.

I'm guessing BRUCE is tougher on MUSTAPHA because he can handle being pushed/ dog cussed. Unlike Danjel and other snowflakes. I like Lang in that role and he's not bad at defending the wing just not sure on his attitude.

why the finkus would someone like Heron transfer? This is the talk of a deranged lunatic

Bizarre indeed. The youngster will be the centerpiece of an offense that lets him showcase his talents. Whats he gonna do go sit out a year? Play in Europe? Not seeing it.

I've watched Petty and he is the real deal. Saying he is the best out of Alabama since Steele is a bit of an overreach IMO. We have had Cousins and Bledsoe come out of the state more recently.

Not saying he can't, but what makes anyone think that Avery can coach AAU type talent to play as a team at the college level? Saying Bruce can't doesn't mean that Avery can. Bruce has in the past and will in the future IMO. Avery will have a team of freshman contributors like Bruce had this year. Bruce will have a team of equal or better talent with more experience.

I agree that we could have gotten more out of our squad this year, but by no means is the verdict out that Bruce can't coach talent.

Coaching freshmen to play at a high level is an art. Duke and Kentucky get the VERY BEST out of high school each year and are unable to perform consistently.

TLDR - Step back from that ledge, my friend.

Our fans are quite clueless. Duke signed a historically great class and most of them are sitting the bench for what is a mediocre (for them) Duke squad.

UK signs 5 guys ranked higher than MUSTAPHA and AUSTIN every year. Usually 2-3 lottery guys. Then they have 5* holdover talent sticking around an extra year or 2.

Plus these programs have DUKE and KENTUCKY on their jersey. That matters. There's no built in sense of pride/ urgency wearing a Barn jersey.

Not many people at all would trade Barbee's last team, with CBP's first. The overwhelming consensus on all of these boards was that we'd upgraded the talent. Just a single PF like Cinmeon, (even with his flaws), would have made a HUGE difference for Barb's.

Again, it'd be a ton of fun to see what our record would be if Barbee had coached this current team. Again, if he could go 6-12 with the scraps of talent and almost no outside shooting, I believe he could really do some damage with talent. As I'd always said, X's, O's and game strategy weren't our key problems under him. It was the lack of talent.

Bruh seriously gtfo. What nonsense. Barbee sucked dong. We'd have the same record at best only difference this dickbird would run off our good players and not have anyone decent coming in.

That's ludicrous. You'd be hard pressed to make a good argument that our record would be the same at best. Again, his X's, O's and strategy weren't near our top problem. Those who have seen a top 5-10 coach, come in and having growing pains with considerably more talent than Barbee had, should be able to learn something, admit they were wrong, and grow from it. But instead, some still can't see the forest for the trees.

I mean, we have a coach who I believe, had made post season play in all but one year in his entire career (???). One who certainly had turned programs quickly in every place he'd been, and yet he comes here, continually upgrades the talent, (i.e. he's done a GREAT job doing that), yet we've still not made that fantastic leap that some of you were boldly predicting. If that's not an indicator that many of you weren't understanding the root cause for our woes, I don't know what is. I've been trying to tell you for years, (going into great detail), and yet, we're still too yokel-lized to grasp it, (just SMH). It's a bit tougher here. CBP will get it done, but it will not have been easy, (for very specific reasons that we'd better learn if we hope to have sustained success, especially if CBP ever leaves us).

Is this English? Tell us again how Benas Grucianis is the next DIRK.

Barbee is a really good coach (X and O, in gave adjustments, etc - game day coach), he didn't recruit and was a dick but saying he isn't a good game day coach is crazy.

Meh. Had a bunch of crap clubs that stumbled into a couple unexpected wins. Never saw him corch us to a victry.

Geesh. It's a moot point, so I shouldn't bother to engage, but you keep pushing your narrative, (without sound reasoning to back it up). As bad as some of those teams were, (talent-wise), we played many a game and kept it close, (ie.. MUCH closer than the talent gap).

We beat a top 25'ish, NCAA tourney FSU team one year with talent that was equivalent to some top High schools. Was that win due to talent, or coaching? Can you elaborate on the strategy that was used in that game, and just briefly touch on the pros and cons of it???

As if I'm gonna play along on this obvious troll attempt. One win over FSU nice try bub.
@au4life_rz is the worst poster on any forum on the internet. I can’t even make it all the way through any of his shit without being just fed up. What a talent though to make everyone hate you in 3 sentences or less
Yeah, he's worse than RiceCake and that's some serious talent. I mean you gotta work... and work hard to be that fuggin ignent.
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Since BRUCE recently made the decision (BOSSES can do that) that our new SEC CHAMP Banner will not have "CO" before it, I think I should be able to reflect back one more time on our CHAMPIONSHIP season...


This was the sound heard Saturday following a drive to the basket by Auburn point guard Jared Harper with 99 seconds left in what was likely to be a historic win for the Tigers.

Auburn was up 73-61 and its sophomore point guard, whom coach Bruce Pearl calls “our quarterback,” was going to line to complete a three-point play. However, suddenly nobody, including the announced sellout crowd of 9,121 at Auburn Arena, was looking at the floor but instead in the air. Despite the game not being over, a pop sound from a confetti gun similar to when a cork is initially removed from a bottle was heard that followed immediately by orange and blue streamers coming down from the rafters of the arena to land near the chairback seats behind Auburn’s bench.

“My first thought was, act like you have been there before,” Pearl said after the victory.

After having that initial thought, Pearl suddenly understood and appreciated why that was a ridiculous idea — almost as ridiculous as firing a confetti gun with more than 90 seconds left in a game. Auburn hasn’t “been there” often, as in winning the Southeastern Conference championship — just twice before Saturday to be exact and never had come close since winning the title in 1999.

“I make mistakes every day out there [on the court]. They just made a mistake. They must have pulled a lever too soon. I wasn't angry at all.”

Auburn head coach Bruce Pearl on the early confetti during the 79-70 win clinching the SEC title Saturday.
Therefore, a malfunction in the confetti gun could almost be seen as understandable for a school not used to what was expected in the next 99 seconds: conference title, a guarantee of a new banner at Auburn Arena and nets being cut down. For only the third time in school history (1960, 1999, 2018), Auburn men's basketball will be presented with a regular-season SEC championship trophy.

The Tigers (25-6), who went 13-5 in the SEC this season, will receive it before their game Friday against either Texas A&M or Alabama in the league's tournament quarterfinals. Tipoff is at noon on ESPN.

“So, we don't know how to act like it,” Pearl said Saturday while smiling.
I'd like to have them both back in some capacity for the U Dub game but I'll take Bruce being confident that they'll both be back 100% for Maui
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