OT: It's funny to see all the boogs fawn over that silly TIGER TALK REVIEW...

I still listen to the Rundown, and Jgt has been making more obvious efforts to be funny and it's gotten pretty painful at times. It's like he got some positive feedback for his Malzahn impression so he started doing a ton more. It was really odd yesterday
100% agree. I have to say the intro especially the voodoodoo crap is painfAUl now.
At least no one has to have it explained to them what guffaw means anymore. That was almost as bad as the 'ossify' day.
Oh I am pretty damn positive that a hefty % of tbb still has no idea what it means, yet they'll not think twice about using it because they have seen others on the board say it and they think it's like some cool inside joke that they are in on. The world is full of really stupid people.
I refuse to read it now on a borrowed account, but if I'm honest, it was the only written content I ever enjoyed enough to read again, from Jay. It's like my shows and movies. Doesn't have to be complex. Just mildly entertaining. Only thing, IMO, where he didn't try waaaay too hard to be the smartest guy in the room.

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