OT-Kenny -you with us for a few days?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2003
Lakemont, Georgia
Saw a thread where you were exiled to Chile and this site is better than being alone there--- well, I can't tag you @ Kenny MF Powers.

If you see this, well, this is a very welcoming group and you will be a nice addition.

I thought you were already visiting but you may need to enjoy The Greg for awhile.

Come in and tell us your problems with tbb--you have friends in here and we can all be a friend to you--to quote Bogs in Shawshank!!

Blaze On Kenny--Blaze ON!!!
Verdict was I said pvssy and b*tch too many times.
A few questions-
1. Permaband or little band?
2. did you say pus$y or pvssy same with bitc& or b*tch?
3. how many times did you say it?
4. Who did you call P and who did you call B?

Just dont roll in here throwing our B and P with out details..... but wait feel free to throw out P and B when you want.
A few questions-
1. Permaband or little band?
2. did you say pus$y or pvssy same with bitc& or b*tch?
3. how many times did you say it?
4. Who did you call P and who did you call B?

Just dont roll in here throwing our B and P with out details..... but wait feel free to throw out P and B when you want.
1. Idk
2. Idk what the hell you’re asking
3. Multiple
4. Fatz if I remember correctly. Didn’t call anyone a p*ssy, though. Just used the word
I asked. No response given as to length of the trip, though.
If you ask how long the trip will be, you may find out that Tate hasn't liked you for some time and made his mind up on you a long time ago. You may also find out yore a liar and are never coming back. As an aside, you also find out that Tate is a b&p.

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Jay accused him of some pretty unsavory things when he inquired about the length of his ban.
I never inquired, I just informed Jay that if was going to, or allow his employees to, continue acting like a pole-smoker then he could kiss off. He stood up for Jeffrey Lee's banning of me for nada and pulled the trigger on the perma-ban.

I have no regerts.
Jay accused him of some pretty unsavory things when he inquired about the length of his ban.
I never inquired, I just informed Jay that if was going to, or allow his employees to, continue acting like a pole-smoker then he could kiss off. He stood up for Jeffrey Lee's banning of me for nada and pulled the trigger on the perma-ban.

I have no regerts.
Damn, he just said you were perma-banned?