Over under on Notifications for Greg

I'll take the over. What up @GregMadia? I'm Powerman. Let's be buddies. Can't wait for you to hear the podcast with @Harvey Specter.

Too soon? I know this is all so new to us to have a badass mod like this. I am the same way. Maybe we should dial it back so he doesn't think we are too crazy... but yes, I am dying to hear you and Harv on there with Doc and Greg. It will be the envy of all interwebs combined.
Too soon? I know this is all so new to us to have a badass mod like this. I am the same way. Maybe we should dial it back so he doesn't think we are too crazy... but yes, I am dying to hear you and Harv on there with Doc and Greg. It will be the envy of all interwebs combined.
Will be like Christmas morning waking up to all these threads.
Tub time had lost it. Go check out the DePaul board. @lewis3882 come home brjmuh