Hoke said Bruce was willing g to talk and on the day of the meeting Auburn backed out. I disagree Bruce is as much as fault as anyone.

They doesn’t make much sense unless they refused to meet because he missed his original “deadline”.
gang - for the first time since this all started, I’m convinced BRUCE is gone...

at this point I want it to happen ASAP so I can disappear for good and hope the players can all transfer at the end of the semester...

I have an overarching theory of what I think is happening, but it’s all guesswork so I won’t bore you with it... I will say, Leath would not be at the top of my enemies list... he’s victim to a shitty culture with no leadership prior to his arrival and is being fed information from people without AU’s best interest in mind

BRUCE is going to get fired - not because of FBI stuff... or for blatant cheating... but for working the same gray areas everyone else works... only, he can’t admit to those gray area works because he had the poor misfortune of thinking Auburn was serious about competing in college basketball... and, at this point, it’s obvious that’s never going to happen
Yep. Meanwhile the NCAA is going to have to give a free pass to all the schools involved that can read the tea leaves. Boog U way too clueless for that though. Nope shutdown the bball program and be a shining beacon for compliance while others compete and thrive at the highest level.
Hokanson doesn't have a clue. @Denim Vest you have a pretty grasp on it. I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't think all hope is lost if Bruce is fired because I think Auburn can have a good basketball program, but I understand the thought.

Both sides are open to legal risk, and both are upset at the position they're in. I truly don't know what the right thing to do is from this point.
Hokanson doesn't have a clue. @Denim Vest you have a pretty grasp on it. I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't think all hope is lost if Bruce is fired because I think Auburn can have a good basketball program, but I understand the thought.

Both sides are open to legal risk, and both are upset at the position they're in. I truly don't know what the right thing to do is from this point.
Hoke has incredibly good contacts on this issue.
Hoke has incredibly good contacts on this issue.
Have you been reading his posts? He may know things through his boss but he has lost all objectivity. But then again, most people over there have on this issue, so it’s probably not worth bringing up again. If you dare question RR or Hoke over there, you’re a “Bruce hater”
Joke works for the biggest b-ball booster for AU. I’m sure he’s getting a healthy version of Bruce’s side to the story. I doubt he’s getting any info from Leath, and I doubt Hoke knows the full story. Just like I doubt everyone knows the full story, no offense to you and Fig Harv.
I agree. I’m just saying that 95% of people can’t discuss this rationally because their mind is made up.
Have you been reading his posts? He may know things through his boss but he has lost all objectivity. But then again, most people over there have on this issue, so it’s probably not worth bringing up again. If you dare question RR or Hoke over there, you’re a “Bruce hater”
I haven't read the boog bored in months.
Hokanson doesn't have a clue. @Denim Vest you have a pretty grasp on it. I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't think all hope is lost if Bruce is fired because I think Auburn can have a good basketball program, but I understand the thought.

Both sides are open to legal risk, and both are upset at the position they're in. I truly don't know what the right thing to do is from this point.
Wuttup DAWGZ,
I don't thank all hope iz lozt if BREWCE iz gone. I LUV ME SUM BREWCE like it ain't nobodeeeez bizness but our bazkitball teem iz AVERAGE AT BEZT.
I hope BREWCE stayz Foe-eva, but we kan get a coach and be slightly bad to average like we iz now.
Hokanson doesn't have a clue. @Denim Vest you have a pretty grasp on it. I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't think all hope is lost if Bruce is fired because I think Auburn can have a good basketball program, but I understand the thought.

Both sides are open to legal risk, and both are upset at the position they're in. I truly don't know what the right thing to do is from this point.
It just seems so obvious to me there's no benefit to getting rid of Pearl. Like I've said you get the players eligible, you let the FBI probe play out. You point to no other coaches being implicated there. No need to go uncovering stuff that doesn't need to be or asking questions you don't want the answers to. It's just ridiculous everyone knows college bball is shady.
Joke works for the biggest b-ball booster for AU. I’m sure he’s getting a healthy version of Bruce’s side to the story. I doubt he’s getting any info from Leath, and I doubt Hoke knows the full story. Just like I doubt anyone knows the full story, no offense to you and Fig Harv.
I dun thank LEEEETH knowz SUMTHANG dat ain't nun of uz know.
How we doin my brutha????????????????
By da way, luv da new 4 RUNNA of yores!!! Buddy a mine had dat model and ran it neeeerly 500,000 miles beefour he parked it.
I can't complain, life has been better to me than I deserve. I should be getting my last parts in this week or next to swap out some Tundra brakes on her and get her to slow down when I need her to. Then, onto a supercharger!
I agree. I’m just saying that 95% of people can’t discuss this rationally because their mind is made up.
I think he's just a passionate Bruce and boog bball supporter. I get that Leath is in a tough spot and there's more to the story but the only suitable outcome is keeping Bruce on as coach and getting players eligible. It really makes no difference who's side is more right imo.
I dun thank LEEEETH knowz SUMTHANG dat ain't nun of uz know.
If he actually knew anything, the Bruce would be gone. He has suspicions that he wants Bruce to answer to, but Bruce’s attorney has found some legal precedent that allows Bruce to keep his mouth shut. If Leath had any proof of anything, then this would all already be over
If he actually knew anything, the Bruce would be gone. He has suspicions that he wants Bruce to answer to, but Bruce’s attorney has found some legal precedent that allows Bruce to keep his mouth shut. If Leath had any proof of anything, then this would all already be over
Maybe so. Sumthang juzt ain't right about dis hole mess.
Thare's gotta be moe to dis thang. IT juzt ain't passing the KOMMON SINTZ TEZT.
Maybe so. Sumthang juzt ain't right about dis hole mess.
Thare's gotta be moe to dis thang. IT juzt ain't passing the KOMMON SINTZ TEZT.
It makes perfect sense. JABA man. We've seen it so many times before. Maybe there is more to the story maybe there isn't. This stuff is so petty I mean NCAA compliance WGAS. Kids get a few bucks or whatever its a joke in the grand scheme and particularly in comparison to a federal investigation. Like what's gonna happen if something comes up? Boog U bball gonna lose schollies and get bant from the TOURNEY for a couple years? lol.
I genuinely hate Auburn and am almost to the point of actively rooting against all things AU.

It makes perfect sense. JABA man. We've seen it so many times before. Maybe there is more to the story maybe there isn't. This stuff is so petty I mean NCAA compliance WGAS. Kids get a few bucks or whatever its a joke in the grand scheme and particularly in comparison to a federal investigation. Like what's gonna happen if something comes up? Boog U bball gonna lose schollies and get bant from the TOURNEY for a couple years? lol.
Maybe I'm hard hedded, I juzt don't get it.
I don't thank a Coach gitz fired foe a "PETTY VIOLAYSHUN". I'm shure itx happined beefour but probly not to the mozt popyoular coach on dat campus.
I'm hopin dat I wake up two morrow and BREWCE haz dun signed a 5 yeer ekkstenshun and we find out dat weeev been fed a line of BULLSHAT foe da pazt two weekz.
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Maybe I'm hard hedded, I juzt don't get it.
I don't thank a Coach gitz fired foe a "PETTY VIOLAYSHUN". I'm shure itx happined beefour but probly not to the mozt popyoular coach on dat campus.
I'm hopin dat I wake up two morrow and BREWCE haz dun signed a 5 yeer ekkstenshun and we find out dat weeev been fed a line of BULLSHAT foe da pazt two weekz.
Didn't our beloved corch Dye get fired for giving steaks to a kid who said his family was starving? The whole notion of NCAA rules and compliance is utter nonsense. So really I don't care what BRUCE may have done.

Let’s remember Boog U is the victim in this FBI probe. Why must we further victimize ourselves?
I played baseball. I loved baseball. But if Auburn was playing in the championship of the CWS, I doubt I’d sit through the whole game.

I actually kinda feel this way about BBall. I only watch the tourney if at all. Last time I watched the tourney was maybe 10 years ago. I will watch games with AU or UAB in it. When AU failed to hire Anderson because of him not wanting to interview in person, I kind of moved on from caring. Was hoping Bruce could make me care again.
I actually kinda feel this way about BBall. I only watch the tourney if at all. Last time I watched the tourney was maybe 10 years ago. I will watch games with AU or UAB in it. When AU failed to hire Anderson because of him not wanting to interview in person, I kind of moved on from caring. Was hoping Bruce could make me care again.

The worst thing about watching college bball is the fouls that are called.
Just spoke to a long term BB donor of $$$ and scholorships concerning Bruce Pearl.....
Discussion in 'The Bunker' started by Marshall Dillon, 5 minutes ago.

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  1. Marshall DillonFirst Round Draft Pick
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    Dec 28, 2004
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    Madison, Alabama
    NewAnd he said Wiley had been cleared by the NCAA but Leath will not clear Wiley until Bruce comes to the table and answers all questions. Told me that Leath is within days of total destruction of what's left of Auburn BB. This donor is pretty reliable and has been a donor for 40 plus years, take it for what it's worth.

Just spoke to a long term BB donor of $$$ and scholorships concerning Bruce Pearl.....
Discussion in 'The Bunker' started by Marshall Dillon, 5 minutes ago.

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  1. Marshall DillonFirst Round Draft Pick
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    Dec 28, 2004
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    Madison, Alabama
    NewAnd he said Wiley had been cleared by the NCAA but Leath will not clear Wiley until Bruce comes to the table and answers all questions. Told me that Leath is within days of total destruction of what's left of Auburn BB. This donor is pretty reliable and has been a donor for 40 plus years, take it for what it's worth.

Wowowow. I trust y’all will rally the Boog board to make Leaths life miserable in my absence.

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