OT: stuff that annoys you

Denim Vest

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2011
Not sure if this has been done on the Greg but had to get one off my chest. My female companion likes to quiz me on who actors are every time we watch something. Especially if they were on GOT.

‘Do you know who that guy is?’
‘No I dgas’
‘Oh come on I’ll give you a hint, he was on GOT’
‘Don’t care’
‘He was the meister on GOT’
‘Ok great still dgas’

Anyway drives me crazy.
insert Dave Chappelle “how much time ya got there buddy?”

I work in an open, “collaborative” workspace... you could ask me this question every hour, on the hour, and I can give you something

currently - it’s the people complaining about “allergies” and other gross bullshit because SICK PEOPLE CONTINUE TO CHOOSE TO COME TO WORK SICK INSTEAD OF USING A SICK DAY OR WORKING FROM HOME...

if someone next to me is hacking up a lung or sneezing and sniffling and won’t leave - I fvcking leave and will work from home... any time my boss asks I tell him why and he’s always approved it...

a bunch of gd animals around here
When people say the same thing twice, but in slightly different ways. Someone repeating shit they just said. People lacking self awareness. Folks with their head up their ass. CAP LOCKS GUY. ee cummings. Jackholes that don't use paragraphs. And idiots that don't hit the ENTER button enough.
I have zero patience for dumb people IRL. I have more online for some reason. There are a couple of real idiots at my gym...the fat redneck types that come in for 30 minutes and talk for 28 while being on the treadmill for 2. They come in and yap at everyone about whatever Facebook news they saw this morning. You know, Saban lost the Iron Bowl on purpose because he knew he'd make the playoff anyway....or the women who accused Roy Moore were all handcuffed and put in jail today. I'm the asshole that can't just let it go and I have to tell them they are idiots. I'm the complete opposite of my message board persona in real life I think.
I have zero patience for dumb people IRL. I have more online for some reason. There are a couple of real idiots at my gym...the fat redneck types that come in for 30 minutes and talk for 28 while being on the treadmill for 2. They come in and yap at everyone about whatever Facebook news they saw this morning. You know, Saban lost the Iron Bowl on purpose because he knew he'd make the playoff anyway....or the women who accused Roy Moore were all handcuffed and put in jail today. I'm the asshole that can't just let it go and I have to tell them they are idiots. I'm the complete opposite of my message board persona in real life I think.
Had no idea that you shared the gym with @Jay G. Tate
people who leave shopping carts in parking spaces...

last night I had to pick up a few things on the way home, and unfortunately, the WalMart I pass on my way was the best option... someone is backing out of a spot 3 spaces from the front, only, they left their cart in it... its off to the right enough that I can fit easily, and I figured I’d pull in anyway and just move the cart because it was raining and there wasn’t another open spot for 9 miles...

as they pull off and I start to pull in, I notice the guy in the spot directly to my left is pushing his cart to leave it in my space as well... I think that’s the closest non-Gus Malzahn induced moment I’ve come to having an aneurysm... he was in his car by the time I got out, but fidgeting with his phone or something and hadn’t pulled out yet... it took every fibre of my being not to move the cart directly behind his car, but I settled for moving it and resting it against his front bumper where I knew it would roll away from my car if it moved... part of me was hoping he’d get out and say something - part of me was hoping I wasn’t about to get into my first fight since college in the rain in the Walmart parking lot... but I don’t think he even noticed

if I ever die in a knife fight or get shot or arrested - it’s going to be in the Publix or Target or WalMart parking lot, because someone finally broke my will
Pretty much this. Living in America, especially in the South, tests my patience, and ability to hold my tongue every. Single. Day. The amount of willfull ignorance is truly breathtaking.

preach... I don’t think this is a “southern” epidemic - but as much as people love to harp on southern hospitality - people are continually dicks to everyone around them due to obliviousness and stupidity...

the same guy that will hold a door for a sweet grandmother and let a woman get on the elevator in front of them will leave their cart in a parking spot or not let you merge on the interstate simply because they’re completely unaware of their surroundings...

or, if you want to think the worst of them - you can say they hold doors because it makes them feel like gentlemen and they like the ego boost they get from someone saying “thank you” for doing something that took literally no effort, while letting someone over in traffic doesn’t give them the same reward, so it exposes who they truly are...

personally, I think it’s half and half - and they’re almost equally as bad
Grown people who legit can't spell simple words.

Anyone in a line at a register that is carrying on a conversation with the clerk that has nothing to do with checking out. Also couponers.

People that don't make new coffee after getting the last cup. These people need to be shot in the knee caps and locked in a closet full of fire ants.

The dumb fans you are watching the game with and have no idea WTF they're talking about but won't shut up.


I forgot the topic but I want everyone of these types to have a really hard life.
Grown people who legit can't spell simple words.

Anyone in a line at a register that is carrying on a conversation with the clerk that has nothing to do with checking out. Also couponers.

People that don't make new coffee after getting the last cup. These people need to be shot in the knee caps and locked in a closet full of fire ants.

The dumb fans you are watching the game with and have no idea WTF they're talking about but won't shut up.


I forgot the topic but I want everyone of these types to have a really hard life.

This shit drives me crazy.

The person in a meeting that rambles on and on for fifteen minutes about absolutely nothing, thus dragging the meeting into oblivion.

Cashiers that spend more time talking than scanning items, and holding up the line.

Lazy ass people.

There are many, many more, but those were on my mind at the moment.
"Do you remember that part on GoT?" Never watched it.
"You've never watched GoT?" I just said that
"You have to watch GoT." I don't like fantasy
"We can't speak again until you've watched every GoT episode and you change your mind." Bitch get out of my house. It's Harry Potter weekend on Freeform and Chamber of Secrets is on. LEAVE ME ALONE
"Do you remember that part on GoT?" Never watched it.
"You've never watched GoT?" I just said that
"You have to watch GoT." I don't like fantasy
"We can't speak again until you've watched every GoT episode and you change your mind." Bitch get out of my house. It's Harry Potter weekend on Freeform and Chamber of Secrets is on. LEAVE ME ALONE

Looks like I’m finna blow this thread up. Loud ass conversations in quiet waiting rooms drive me crazy.
I'll top that. True redneck parents with screaming, crying, shouting, infinity kids that just smile and look around the restaurant, doctor's office to get attention for themselves and do nothing to deter the behavior. They're like "Lookie here at me. I own a human being, so I must be important and I want all the attention in the room because I can procreate". My boys never made a whimper in public EVER, and I hardly ever used a stern look. I think they train these kids to shake, rattle & roll in public.
Yeah, this tops my list
Super parents who apparently having nothing else going on in their lives besides their rug rats.

I nearly have a stroke every time I drive for various reasons. Driving in general has really gone downhill in the last 10 years due to cell phones.
Haven't had a chance to catch up reading ITT but I'll add opening gifts at ouldes house and watching everyone try to figure out how to open something electrical and figure out the instructions while there are people sitting here who knows what's up. #russelled

This may or may not be first hand knowledge of happenings right this very minute.
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Yep. The last few generations are completely fuggin' their children up. There's a neighborhood school here that recently banned kids from walking to school based on the concern of parents.

They should all go KYS, post haste.
I talk to mine when they call & during boog football season. They living they own lives. Leaving them along has worked out pretty well, and I'm back spending more time with the wife.
SJ: “I’m going to Dallas to work for 6 months”

SJ’s buddy: “I have a third cousin who lives in Houston”

SJ: *Kicks buddy in the cods as hard as he can*

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