OT: The perfect ending to a perfect day...


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Woke up feeling nauseous. Had to leave work early because I felt super sick. As soon as I got home I took a hot shower. Stepped in the shower and immediately started heaving harder than I ever have. This went on for 15 minutes. Thought I was dying. Called the wife to tell her that I was going to urgent care and she said that she was too, for the same reason. Doc diagnosed both of us with food poisoning. Now, we’re both at home trying to deal with a fussy baby who hasn’t slept or ate all day and wants to do nothing but cry. Now, I have to endure knowing that bama or UGA is about to win a national championship and there is absolutely nothing in this world that can stop that from happening. Fml
Woke up feeling nauseous. Had to leave work early because I felt super sick. As soon as I got home I took a hot shower. Stepped in the shower and immediately started heaving harder than I ever have. This went on for 15 minutes. Thought I was dying. Called the wife to tell her that I was going to urgent care and she said that she was too, for the same reason. Doc diagnosed both of us with food poisoning. Now, we’re both at home trying to deal with a fussy baby who hasn’t slept or ate all day and wants to do nothing but cry. Now, I have to endure knowing that bama or UGA is about to win a national championship and there is absolutely nothing in this world that can stop that from happening. Fml
Hope you and fam feel better soon. It may be of limited consolation, but tide and dawg fans are having a hell of a time getting into the stadium because of Trump.

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