Yep but got a mommas boy at QBQB sneak? Do mine eyes deceive me?
I think Boobee will be considered an elite RB by the time he leaves AU, if he can stay's amazing how much better boobie is than Kam
Yeah he sort of reminds me of Tre Mason in 2012.I think Boobee will be considered an elite RB by the time he leaves AU, if he can stay healthy.
It's a turnover chastity belt they ripped off us.Guess they got a fuggin turnover bridle
We fuggin suck oh muh god.
Guys. And @midnighttulips. Stidham STINKS.
I wish a fight would break out between like DeShaun Davis and Seth Williams and Gus is the lucky one to step in between it and catch a haymaker.Like I don’t see how there haven’t been multiple fights between O and D players in the locker room