OT: Chuck Person and other NCAA assistants arrested for corruption charges

Oh please people. The NCAA isn't going to bring down Arizona USC or Louisville programs. UL gonna get away with prostitution scandal with no more than a slap of the wrist. Heck, UNC told NCAA to eff off and they did. USC is still pissed about Reggie bush sanctions, especially with what other programs have gotten away with since. Zona is one of the biggest brands in country and, like Adidas, will lawyer up, find a scape goat or two, and keep keeping on. Federal Courts aren't gonna clean up the dirtiness of CBB. Much ado about nothing.
Oh please people. The NCAA isn't going to bring down Arizona USC or Louisville programs. UL gonna get away with prostitution scandal with no more than a slap of the wrist. Heck, UNC told NCAA to eff off and they did. USC is still pissed about Reggie bush sanctions, especially with what other programs have gotten away with since. Zona is one of the biggest brands in country and, like Adidas, will lawyer up, find a scape goat or two, and keep keeping on. Federal Courts aren't gonna clean up the dirtiness of CBB. Much ado about nothing.
Hell yes brother!
I'm in state of blind rage and depression. It says the charge is defrauded University 1( assume ARBEN) the right to Person's honest service as an employee. WHAT THE F DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? So Arben is the victim of this crime? FUGGIN BS.
Can we sue Jacobs for defrauding us the right to honest enjoyment as a fan?
Oh please people. The NCAA isn't going to bring down Arizona USC or Louisville programs. UL gonna get away with prostitution scandal with no more than a slap of the wrist. Heck, UNC told NCAA to eff off and they did. USC is still pissed about Reggie bush sanctions, especially with what other programs have gotten away with since. Zona is one of the biggest brands in country and, like Adidas, will lawyer up, find a scape goat or two, and keep keeping on. Federal Courts aren't gonna clean up the dirtiness of CBB. Much ado about nothing.
Unfortunately AU could be the scape goat in this and be the "example" that the NCAA gets to punish
Oh please people. The NCAA isn't going to bring down Arizona USC or Louisville programs. UL gonna get away with prostitution scandal with no more than a slap of the wrist. Heck, UNC told NCAA to eff off and they did. USC is still pissed about Reggie bush sanctions, especially with what other programs have gotten away with since. Zona is one of the biggest brands in country and, like Adidas, will lawyer up, find a scape goat or two, and keep keeping on. Federal Courts aren't gonna clean up the dirtiness of CBB. Much ado about nothing.
I'm gonna need you to be correct on this one.
I'm gonna need you to be correct on this one.

Well the boogs might take steps to protect the most valuable asset, and that wouldn't be shocking. But if there is equal evidence for all programs involved, one isn't going to be punished more than others. And the big boy programs (plus Adidas with other brands being associated) will go to toe to toe with NCAA Feds whoever. Just my thoughts and probably not right.