What’s the appropriate play: your buddy is married to an awesome lady


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
And you’re out at the bar and a chick is all over him.

(His wife is awesome.)

Is cock blocking appropriate here? Or do I just let him make his own mistakes?
We are pretty tight. I’d never get in between a friend and some ass.

That said, where do you draw the line between being a good friend (when you’re both drunk) and being a cockblock?
Where I'm from, the cockblock is the lowest of the low, but by our definition, a cockblock is a POS that trims you out to steal yore trim. I can see how this would also be a definition of cockblock, but you did what you had to do. Warned him & GTF outta the way, so don't let it bother you and move on IMO
EDIT: I might be confusing the cockblock with the more dishonorable codblock
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We are pretty tight. I’d never get in between a friend and some ass.

That said, where do you draw the line between being a good friend (when you’re both drunk) and being a cockblock?

Eh, I'd hope my good friends would consider stopping me from cheating on my awesome wife as something they'd have to keep me from doing while I'm blackout. Kinda like I'd hope they'd stop me from any other life ruining stuff (driving, etc.)
I'm torn on this one, gang. I think the level of inebriation definitely comes into play. I'd probably go with the offer to give him a ride home to the wife but if he decides he wants to stick around then he's a grown ass man that will have to accept the possible consequences of his actions.

Or you can split the middle and take him to the Asian massage parlor, since that's not really cheating.
Well damn, I miss everything. I will agree that you may think she's awesome but ole boy might be miserable and not getting any. With that said, you should be more sober when deciding to cheat on someone. I hope he made good choices whatever that is for him. Perhaps he just wanted to feel wanted and then went home and had the sects with the wife, never know.
I realize it's too late but here would've been my advice:

1) Let the girl fawn all over your buddy. As a married guy, attention from the opposite sex is quite welcome and refreshing. Makes me feel like i still got it (well, hypothetically speaking because i never get attention from women)

2) Make up some bullshit reason as to why you need to exit, and such exit requires your buddy to come with you and "you'll call that girl later". Don't say anything to him about making mistakes or whatever because the drunk mind is irrational and you don't want to cause a scene. Then get him nice and full of 4th meal, pour a few more beers down his hatch then let him pass out/drop him off at home. The next day, he'll prolly realize how close he was to fvking up and might even thank you for helping him avoid a divorce.
kids make mistakes

Still waiting for that rat DM that @Scalded Dog was a part of. I said a few things about people that I regret and have apologized to each on my own. I don't roll in the mud with pigs. I'm really tired of the DM Gate BS. There are multiple peeps in those threads ITT that smell worse. If anyone wants to PM me and see those I'd be happy to oblige....
Welp. This thread just got new life.

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