What did I say that was untrue or wrong in my post? I am not saying to cheat. I don’t cheat. I never have cheated on anyone.
I am NOT going to ruin SOMEONE ELSE’s Marriage. Why? For what? You want me to run and tell the wife so their kids live in a broken home over a one night stand? That isn’t my place...
I then lay out facts that women are far more emotional then men when it comes to this which is why it is more dangerous.
You may like to deliver bad news that cause chain events that can’t be undone. The OP wanted to know what he should do. I let him know what I would do. I would not tell that man’s wife a damn thing. IF THERE IS A REAL AFFAIR that is a different issue. But so much bad can come from that and sometimes it is better to let sleeping dogs lie.
What you did is try to paint me as a cheater saying I want to fvck other women. Again your moral high ground bull poop proves only one thing. YOU FAIL AT READING COMPREHENSION in order to delittle someone else. Sorry I rustle you so much, but you are still wrong on this one.
Have a great day. War Eagle.
8-5 mfer!