+++++Official Ole Mis vs Boogs Game Thread++++++

We just need a real point guard. Loved seeing Chuma finally show up.
C’mon man. Stop it. Jared was bad last night no doubt but he’s been fine most the season. Only the last 2 games he’s been a factor in our losses.
We need another point guard though for sure. McCormick is a zero and I think Jared is just worn down. Plus, I think he’s hurt bc ever since he went out the other night when he got hurt he’s been a little off.
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Everything is terrible. Ole Miss guards freaking OWN our guards. That would have seemed insane to say 3 months ago but they absolutely own Bryce and Harper. Bryce had some success in game 1 but overall they've been total trash vs this group. I'd have thought we'd struggle with some other guards that are long and athletic but we didn't, not like we have vs this group.

This team just keeps making truly stupid plays at the worst times. We kept cutting the lead to 2,3 or 4 and then we'd lose a shooter late in the clock or back off the wrong guy and then make a completely idiotic turnover and suddenly it's back up to 8+. Every damn time. You know it's going to be a bad night for Harper when the turnovers start early. Think he had 3 or 4 before the fist break. Brutal. And I love Bruce and hope he's at AU till he retires but I'm pissed at him too right now, and it's not just that final minute. He had a terrible game IMO. I can't understand why we don't give more than inbounds pressure when teams are dedicated to slowing us down. Trap, speed the game up by forcing Ole Miss to beat an actual press and tempt them to take early shots. You have to change it up when things are going that poorly. We're at home, take the chance and see if we can wake up the Clam. Ole Miss went to that weird half court press/trap thing and our answer was to pass it back and forth at the timeline and I'll never understand it. Jared is a one man press/trap breaker. I used to laugh as soon as I saw teams trying it. But we've decided that's not what we want to do and so we just pass it back and forth and slowly get it across the timeline and don't try to punish the extended trap, instead we seem happy just getting it into the front court.

Lastly, and maybe the thing that makes me the most angry, is the crowd. @#E% that worthless effort by AU fans and students. Seats open everywhere. You have a coach who has done everything he could possibly do to create a basketball culture worth a damn. Until last night we hadn't lost many home game and we needed that W. That turnout was an abomination and a curse should be put on AU athletics if that's how we're going to treat a group that won a SEC title last year and gave us a ton of fun moments. GTFO of here with that lame ass effort by our fans. Are the students too busy going to Wednesday night services at Church of The Highlands or something? At the exact moment this team has needed the fans to provide a daunting atmosphere the fans got lazy and entitled. If I'm Bruce I'm pissed at myself, pissed at my guards and pissed at the fanbase today. We didn't do our part at all. Complete failure. It was half empty for the opening 5 minutes and Ole Miss set the tone then. Even in the 2nd half there were loads of sections that looked desolate. I hate everything Auburn right now.
Everything is terrible. Ole Miss guards freaking OWN our guards. That would have seemed insane to say 3 months ago but they absolutely own Bryce and Harper. Bryce had some success in game 1 but overall they've been total trash vs this group. I'd have thought we'd struggle with some other guards that are long and athletic but we didn't, not like we have vs this group.

This team just keeps making truly stupid plays at the worst times. We kept cutting the lead to 2,3 or 4 and then we'd lose a shooter late in the clock or back off the wrong guy and then make a completely idiotic turnover and suddenly it's back up to 8+. Every damn time. You know it's going to be a bad night for Harper when the turnovers start early. Think he had 3 or 4 before the fist break. Brutal. And I love Bruce and hope he's at AU till he retires but I'm pissed at him too right now, and it's not just that final minute. He had a terrible game IMO. I can't understand why we don't give more than inbounds pressure when teams are dedicated to slowing us down. Trap, speed the game up by forcing Ole Miss to beat an actual press and tempt them to take early shots. You have to change it up when things are going that poorly. We're at home, take the chance and see if we can wake up the Clam. Ole Miss went to that weird half court press/trap thing and our answer was to pass it back and forth at the timeline and I'll never understand it. Jared is a one man press/trap breaker. I used to laugh as soon as I saw teams trying it. But we've decided that's not what we want to do and so we just pass it back and forth and slowly get it across the timeline and don't try to punish the extended trap, instead we seem happy just getting it into the front court.

Lastly, and maybe the thing that makes me the most angry, is the crowd. @#E% that worthless effort by AU fans and students. Seats open everywhere. You have a coach who has done everything he could possibly do to create a basketball culture worth a damn. Until last night we hadn't lost many home game and we needed that W. That turnout was an abomination and a curse should be put on AU athletics if that's how we're going to treat a group that won a SEC title last year and gave us a ton of fun moments. GTFO of here with that lame ass effort by our fans. Are the students too busy going to Wednesday night services at Church of The Highlands or something? At the exact moment this team has needed the fans to provide a daunting atmosphere the fans got lazy and entitled. If I'm Bruce I'm pissed at myself, pissed at my guards and pissed at the fanbase today. We didn't do our part at all. Complete failure. It was half empty for the opening 5 minutes and Ole Miss set the tone then. Even in the 2nd half there were loads of sections that looked desolate. I hate everything Auburn right now.
Bruh we had multiple posters on tbb legit wanting Bruce fired. Some AU fans deserve mediocrity for their stupidity
The idea that people want to get rid of Bruce makes me want to stab somebody.
Direct quote from someone last night..”I know this might be a bit of an overreaction but I think Bruce time at Auburn needs to end”. Then goes on to say that Brice did the same at UTjr and his teams got worse each year and had no discipline and other moronic things. That’s when I had enough bunker for the day.
I knew tbb hut hut takes were bad but I think their basketball ones are even worse.
Direct quote from someone last night..”I know this might be a bit of an overreaction but I think Bruce time at Auburn needs to end”. Then goes on to say that Brice did the same at UTjr and his teams got worse each year and had no discipline and other moronic things. That’s when I had enough bunker for the day.
I knew tbb hut hut takes were bad but I think their basketball ones are even worse.

LOL. Bruce made the tourney every year at Tennessee and made it to the Elite 8 his 2nd to last year at UT.
Bruh we had multiple posters on tbb legit wanting Bruce fired. Some AU fans deserve mediocrity for their stupidity
I can't do the other boards during hoops. I'll check in very rarely and mostly on days where I know they'll be talking football recruiting or something stupid. I can't do it. It reminds me that 90% of our fanbase deserves for us to be as bad as Vandy and UGA have been this season for all of eternity.

And that all points back to the fact that we can't fill up a small area or a Wed night when we need a W. The vast majority of our fans are not going to care and only will show up if we're a Top 10 team. As soon as we fall off the ESPN ticker they see at the bottom of their screen as part of the Top 25 they just forget the sport exists. If I ever go postal it likely will be on those AU fans.
We are getting embarrassed yet we complain about tbb and fans in the arena. Oh, and Harper is still a sacred cow.
We are getting embarrassed yet we complain about tbb and fans in the arena. Oh, and Harper is still a sacred cow.
our fans suck 100000000000x more than Harper ever will. Sometimes the proof of that is literally right in front of your face
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Dude can you please stop with your Harper trolling. We get it. You irrationally hate him. Goniver to tbb to do it though.

It hurts you I was right... but it hurts me too. I don’t take pleasure in my observations
It hurts you I was right... but it hurts me too. I don’t take pleasure in my observations

But you aren't actually right and it's weird how you disappear during his good stretches and show up after his worst games. He was terrible last night but he's been a good player for us this season. Hell he was out best player at LSU just a few days ago and it's not even close. At this point it's just beyond stupid that you can believe this kind of thing. There are multiple games we don't win if Harper isn't playing, including a couple where everyone else sucked and he put us on his back.

-He's 2nd in the league in assists with a solid 3 to 1 assist to TO ratio despite last nights meltdown.
-He's top 5 in the league in 3pt shots made and is shooting a very strong 39%
-Top 10 in the conference in scoring
-Smallest guy on the court and averaging 3 Rebs per game when all our bigs are basically stuck around 4. If our other guys fought that hard we'd probably not be stuck around dead last in defensive Reb %

What hurts is reading stupidity here. I've stayed away from the places that hoop stupidity runs rampant. The only thing that sucks worse that knowing our fans are morons is seeing it spread to the few places that were clear of it.
But you aren't actually right and it's weird how you disappear during his good stretches and show up after his worst games. He was terrible last night but he's been a good player for us this season. Hell he was out best player at LSU just a few days ago and it's not even close. At this point it's just beyond stupid that you can believe this kind of thing. There are multiple games we don't win if Harper isn't playing, including a couple where everyone else sucked and he put us on his back.

-He's 2nd in the league in assists with a solid 3 to 1 assist to TO ratio despite last nights meltdown.
-He's top 5 in the league in 3pt shots made and is shooting a very strong 39%
-Top 10 in the conference in scoring
-Smallest guy on the court and averaging 3 Rebs per game when all our bigs are basically stuck around 4. If our other guys fought that hard we'd probably not be stuck around dead last in defensive Reb %

What hurts is reading stupidity here. I've stayed away from the places that hoop stupidity runs rampant. The only thing that sucks worse that knowing our fans are morons is seeing it spread to the few places that were clear of it.

Jesus Fvcking Christ, he is not very good. He is a pedestrian passer. He has horrible shot selection. He is careless with the ball at times. How many horrible games will he get a pass on. The amount of shots he takes she should be up there in scoring. What I love is the NBA Bricks he shot last night instead of feeding Chuma. He has like 6 turnovers and 2 assists. He has 3 rebounds a game because we shoot 70% from 3 point range so you get a fvck ton of long rebounds that guards get.

He isn’t a point guard. He is a shooting guard playing point because he is too short.

Bryce is a great shooter when he is on, but that is where it stops.

Last year SEC tourney, NCAA Tourney, UAB, NC State, Ole Miss, Ole Miss, LSU, Dayton, Kentuck..... all average to poor stat lines. I think my main thing is his terrible shot selection and predictable passes when he comes up the court. I can read what he is going to do easier than Gus’s offense. I will praise him when he does well against good competition.
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Last year SEC tourney, NCAA Tourney, UAB, NC State, Ole Miss, Ole Miss, LSU, Dayton, Kentuck..... all average to poor stat lines. I think my main thing is his terrible shot selection and predictable passes when he comes up the court. I can read what he is going to do easier than Gus’s offense. I will praise him when he does well against good competition.

22 and 6 against Duke
31 points against UAB where you said he had an average stat line
25 and 7 at LSU
17 and 6 against Kentucky

Three of his best performances of the year came in the AU's 3 toughest games this season. You just talk out of your ass
22 and 6 against Duke
31 points against UAB where you said he had an average stat line
25 and 7 at LSU
17 and 6 against Kentucky

Three of his best performances of the year came in the AU's 3 toughest games this season. You just talk out of your ass

A lot more to it than just how many points he had. He can be a great scorer. But being a PG to me means running the offense in an efficient manner more than just scoring as many points as possible. I guess since we don’t run many plays dribble and shoot an NBA 3 is a decent play to run. Either way Ole Miss has his number.
Jesus Fvcking Christ, he is not very good. He is a pedestrian passer. He has horrible shot selection. He is careless with the ball at times. How many horrible games will he get a pass on. The amount of shots he takes she should be up there in scoring. What I love is the NBA Bricks he shot last night instead of feeding Chuma. He has like 6 turnovers and 2 assists. He has 3 rebounds a game because we shoot 70% from 3 point range so you get a fvck ton of long rebounds that guards get.

He isn’t a point guard. He is a shooting guard playing point because he is too short.

Bryce is a great shooter when he is on, but that is where it stops.

Last year SEC tourney, NCAA Tourney, UAB, NC State, Ole Miss, Ole Miss, LSU, Dayton, Kentuck..... all average to poor stat lines. I think my main thing is his terrible shot selection and predictable passes when he comes up the court. I can read what he is going to do easier than Gus’s offense. I will praise him when he does well against good competition.

Bruh, none of his rebounds are offensive so that bolded part makes you the dumbest Auburn fan on the internet. A standard set by some pretty elite morons.

I cited stats for a full season. You came back with random observations and opinions and the only actual stats were from one game, a game where his assist to turnover ratio is the complete opposite of the rest of the year.

You hated on him before the season started and all Harper has done is set career high marks in

PTS per game
Overall FG%
3 pt FG%
FT %

I mean, you were wrong before and you are even more wrong now. The data shows it. Maybe he's not elite or great, but he's at the very least a good college basketball player and he's a good PG. The fact that you disappear for weeks at a time when he's playing well and come back with this BS after his bad games shines more light on who you are than anything else.

Bye Felicia
Bruh, none of his rebounds are offensive so that bolded part makes you the dumbest Auburn fan on the internet. A standard set by some pretty elite morons.

I cited stats for a full season. You came back with random observations and opinions and the only actual stats were from one game, a game where his assist to turnover ratio is the complete opposite of the rest of the year.

You hated on him before the season started and all Harper has done is set career high marks in

PTS per game
Overall FG%
3 pt FG%
FT %

I mean, you were wrong before and you are even more wrong now. The data shows it. Maybe he's not elite or great, but he's at the very least a good college basketball player and he's a good PG. The fact that you disappear for weeks at a time when he's playing well and come back with this BS after his bad games shines more light on who you are than anything else.

Bye Felicia

He is good. But you and @MattAU05 and others said he was on of the best in the country, then that changed to SEC, then that changed to “he is good”. I agree he is good. Like he is decent and sometimes awesome. But is very inconsistent (just like 2 years ago and late last year). Our team is awesome at home because our place is one of the toughest in the country to play. We pad our stats those games. But I guess that is the nature of college b-ball. If he was more disciplined many of my gripes with him would vanish. Does Bruce coach him to play like this or does he allow this freedom?
He is good. But you and @MattAU05 and others said he was on of the best in the country, then that changed to SEC, then that changed to “he is good”. I agree he is good. Like he is decent and sometimes awesome. But is very inconsistent (just like 2 years ago and late last year). Our team is awesome at home because our place is one of the toughest in the country to play. We pad our stats those games. But I guess that is the nature of college b-ball. If he was more disciplined many of my gripes with him would vanish. Does Bruce coach him to play like this or does he allow this freedom?

You just said, about 3 posts ago "he's not very good".

There are 3 dudes carrying all the scoring responsibility on this team. Yeah, they all have faults. Chuma needs to always be as aggressive as he's been lately. Bryce needs to eliminate some stuff from his game. Jared needs to clean up some things. But those dudes are getting NO HELP. Ain't none of those other players doing anything on the road ever. Nothing. And half of them can't do anything at home either. None of them can create their own shot and most of them can't make shots when they are created for them. And yet you want to obsess over 2 of those dudes that do all the heavy lifting. Nah, I'll be critical when those guys play bad but I'm not bashing them the way you do and I'm not going to keep reading that BS either. Those 3 dudes are playing with what equates to a bunch of chumps this year at this point. The only role player playing his role is Horace and he's not going to get you points by himself. We got guys that should be able to help that have proven over and over this year they just aren't ready to do it. So excuse me if I'm going to stand with one of the dudes that actually can score, can create a shot for himself and others and has lifted us to W's basically all on his own.
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Jesus Fvcking Christ, he is not very good. He is a pedestrian passer. He has horrible shot selection. He is careless with the ball at times. How many horrible games will he get a pass on. The amount of shots he takes she should be up there in scoring. What I love is the NBA Bricks he shot last night instead of feeding Chuma. He has like 6 turnovers and 2 assists. He has 3 rebounds a game because we shoot 70% from 3 point range so you get a fvck ton of long rebounds that guards get.

He isn’t a point guard. He is a shooting guard playing point because he is too short.

Bryce is a great shooter when he is on, but that is where it stops.

Last year SEC tourney, NCAA Tourney, UAB, NC State, Ole Miss, Ole Miss, LSU, Dayton, Kentuck..... all average to poor stat lines. I think my main thing is his terrible shot selection and predictable passes when he comes up the court. I can read what he is going to do easier than Gus’s offense. I will praise him when he does well against good competition.
He’s only had 1 horrible game?
The extreme double standard you hold for him compared to everyone else is baffling. He’s actually very good and you are wrong about him. He’s not perfect but you focus so much non the negative and never ever cite the positives. His pros out weigh his cons and we would have lost a lot more games the last 2 years if not for him.
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I think our biggest problem is that we don't really run any halfcourt offense. 90+% of the time it's one on one, or somebody penetrates and passes to an open shooter.

We need to have something we've practiced where someone is taking a high percentage, shot so we can kill those 3-5 minute scoreless droughts we've started to become accustomed to the last few games.
I think our biggest problem is that we don't really run any halfcourt offense. 90+% of the time it's one on one, or somebody penetrates and passes to an open shooter.

We need to have something we've practiced where someone is taking a high percentage, shot so we can kill those 3-5 minute scoreless droughts we've started to become accustomed to the last few games.
I think we've actually run more set stuff the last 10 games or so. We've had some good stuff to get Chuma isolated with the ball. We've had more motion to get Bryce open looks that don't require him dribbling. We do actually run sets. We're not Wisconsin, we're not going to run sets every single time down. However we do seem to panic a bit when things are going south and guys try to do too much, but that's not that abnormal.

I really don't think our issues are offensive flow. Even in losses we shot the ball mostly well and were pretty efficient as long as we weren't turning it over. The narrative is that we take bad shots because it's a Bruce Pearl team and we look more wild than most teams but the stats say we're actually a good offensive team and we do actually run sets and plays. Our issues in a couple of losses have been turnovers....shooting the ball well and turning it over 19 times will get you beat. Our issues in other games have been rebounding. Our issues in some losses were terrible defense. We just keep finding ways to lose games and I don't know that it's about any one thing TBH. I actually think that's what's scaring me most right now. Good teams find ways to win despite not playing good ball sometimes. We're a team with good talent and some great statistical indicators but we just keep finding ways to lose games. I think someone cited KenPom's "luck" rating and we're like 311th or something. But that's not just luck, that's winning or losing DNA and right now we've got losing DNA.
I think our biggest problem is that we don't really run any halfcourt offense. 90+% of the time it's one on one, or somebody penetrates and passes to an open shooter.

We need to have something we've practiced where someone is taking a high percentage, shot so we can kill those 3-5 minute scoreless droughts we've started to become accustomed to the last few games.
I don’t think it’s our biggest problem. Offense, until the other night, hasn’t been the problem. We had some good looks the other night but we just awful shooting. I’m not saying our half court is great or it couldn’t improve but it’s not our biggest problem.

Our biggest problem is rebounding and turning the ball over. If we could have just improved on those 2 things we would have won 3 more games at least. Ant has regressed from last year and Wiley is made of glass and nit near as talented as we thought. Ho daddy is who he is. I don’t think we have the ability to be great at rebounding but we most certainly can be better.
But the turnovers man...they are killing us.
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Jesus Fvcking Christ, he is not very good.
Only someone who is completely and utterly ignorant regarding the game of basketball would make this statement. Stop embarrassing yourself with these idiotic attempts at hAUt takes.
Seriously, put that idiot on ignore and never respond to him. He’ll leave and we’ll have 1 less ignorant fvcktard to deal with. I’ve ignored him for a year now.

Why so serious? Do you ever get laid? You are the most negative little b!tch I know.
seems like it’s time for the quarterly reminder that Rivals has a quite robust “ignore” feature that has been used liberally on this board, to great effect

it also makes those occasions when you decide to “show ignored content” an absolute TREAT, because you haven’t been continually exposed to it, so you’re able to fully immerse yourself in the stupidity and swim around for a while
Hmmm, let’s see how many puh c’s can bring up the “ignore” feature in on thread. What a bunch of bitches. And also a total lack of respect shown to the founder of the Greg.