+++++ Boogs (HYGs) vs Arkansas Official Game Thread +++++

And Wiley at -16 in 11 minutes of play. That has to be his worst night all season.
0 points. 4 turnovers. And only 2 rebounds. Really was the most trash game he's had in a boog uniform.

Meanwhile, we rip on sweet Danny sometimes. but a decent line tonight going for 10 pts and 9 boards. Dropping 3 dimes too. Wasn't lighting it and made some bad decisions but he was pretty decent
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Haven't been able to fully keep up with the thread for the last few games. but I am here to say I fuggin love this team, dumb AF decisions and terrible shooting be damned. They just win
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If you had told me that we’d win 2/3 out of UK/@Arky/LSU I’d have been pretty damn stoked.

now we’ve got 2 in the bag and get to go back to The Clam

Also a week and a half ago Samir was looking like trash and now he’s gone for 18, 17 and 23 without really shooting it well. He’s just figured out how to draw fouls and get us points even when the 3 ball isn’t going down.
If you had told me that we’d win 2/3 out of UK/@Arky/LSU I’d have been pretty damn stoked.

now we’ve got 2 in the bag and get to go back to The Clam

Also a week and a half ago Samir was looking like trash and now he’s gone for 18, 17 and 23 without really shooting it well. He’s just figured out how to draw fouls and get us points even when the 3 ball isn’t going down.
Samir ballin is the reason why the boogs won the last two and will be critical to maximizing this team’s potential. Young Isaac is the best player on the court, but Samir is necessary to make this team get over the top and win the SEC/go to the second weekend of the tourney.
War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!
War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!
Sorry to hear that tulips. We love you and will be praying for you and yores
69-69, then boogs prevail by 4 in OT.

Damn, watching JGTs live call in show and there's people just donating him money. That's a sweet gig

Y’all feel free to take all that money you were gonna send to @JGT and send it to my charity of choice, @JalenAUbound. Feel like I should get something out of nailing the score other than a few e-high fives.
War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!
So sorry, Tulips. Sounds like a heck of a dad.
do Musselemen and his assistants always wear these hideous polos or is this just casual tuesday?
I've seen them in those polos a few times this year. Every sideline pic I found of him this year looks like he's in a polo. Thank gAUd we have a coach who takes his job seriously and has the decency to wear a jacket and sweat through his dress shirt.
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love this squad... gonna love em even more once they cut out about 85% of the completely avoidable bullshit
You can say that again. Love that we are capable of these comebacks, but if we didn't shoot ourselves in the foot, they would not be necessary. We played well enough for most of the game tonight and then fell apart in the middle of the second. Avoid that stretch and we would have won this thing by 10+ by breaking them on tired legs the last 8 minutes.
War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!
That's awful news. So sorry for your loss. I am so glad they won for you and your dad tonight. I lost my mom a couple of weeks before the season started. Its a really terrible thing to lose a parent, but you will get through it. Hang in there!
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War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!

So sorry for your loss! You are loved here on the Greg, let us know if we can do anything.
War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!
So sorry to hear that. Thinking of you and your family. War Eagle to yore Dad.
War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!

Sorry for your loss.
War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!

Really sorry to hear that. Ts and Ps for you and your family. War Eagle to your dad!
War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!

Prayers up
Finally got settled and turned it on in the 2nd half. Immediate 9-0 Arky run. Turned it off. Said fvck it and watched OT anyway. Just glad I didn’t cost us that dub
yeah man. I'm kinda surprised. It hasn't been serious money or anything, but there has easily been over 100 dollars donated in just the past 30 minutes. Basically, if you donate cash, the you get the privilige of Jay reading your comment or answering your question on air

The last couple of times I’ve listened some dude was throwing out $100 donations.
The last couple of times I’ve listened some dude was throwing out $100 donations.
whaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttt???? I didn't see that but I do believe it. Just found it surprising that people were giving so much money. It's not like Jay's super rich or anything but he's also not some struggling blogger. He owns a franchise of a site that's a major online publisher, generates plenty of cash I'm sure
whaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttt???? I didn't see that but I do believe it. Just found it surprising that people were giving so much money. It's not like Jay's super rich or anything but he's also not some struggling blogger. He owns a franchise of a site that's a major online publisher, generates plenty of cash I'm sure

Yeah, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve listened and watched the chat. The last couple of times I did there were lots of 5, 10 and 20 dollar donations and then, bam, this dude throws up 100. Happened on two different shows I caught a while back.
I pretty much stopped listening to it live when he brought in friends that were having dinner at his house and let them appear and speak live online. Nothing wrong with that, per se. Just not my cup of tea when I’m there to listen to a sports show.
War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!
Sorry for your loss
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War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!
Sorry to hear this sounds like a great dude. My dad made me watch UNC hoops as a youngster glad those days are behind me.
War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!
sorry to hear that your pop passed away, glad Bruce's HYGs were able to send him off with two great wins.
War Eagle, Gents!
My dad passed away this afternoon. He was the one who instilled in me my love for AU basketball by taking me to games when I was very young and continuing to go to games with me as long as his health would allow.
I’m dedicating tonight’s win and the win we will most assuredly get in the Clam on Saturday to his memory.

War Damn Eagle!
Sorry to hear that tulips. Sounds like he was a great dad and hopefully lived a good long life
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